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Prompt Payment Plan

Body Mechanix Physical Therapy is pleased to offer an option for our patients who may not have health insurance coverage or have health insurance with a prohibitive payment structure (high deductible or co-pays). The Body Mechanix Prompt Payment fee schedule is structured to make Physical Therapy services affordable and immediately available to everyone, regardless of insurance coverage.

What is it?

The Prompt Payment Fee is transparent and guaranteed pricing for Physical Therapy. It is available to any payer (individual, employer, private insurer, government body) who pays in full at the time of service with no documentation, coding, or billing requirements. The current prices are $49.00 for a regular visit and $69.00 for an initial evaluation. We encourage all to use these prices.

Please note that if you choose to use any private insurer (i.e BlueCrossBlueShield, Aetna, etc.) or government body (i.e. Medicare), it is not currently possible to establish a price upfront. Per their requirements, we must: 1) complete an office visit, 2) complete appropriate documentation, coding, and billing paperwork, 3) submit this information to them to be applied according to your individual policy benefits. In general, however, this price is typically 10%-80% higher than the Prompt Payment pricing, and is set by the third party.

To take advantage of the Prompt Payment pricing, we are required to collect payment at the time of service with no exceptions.

We are very excited to offer this option to our patients and hope that it will help you to receive the Physical Therapy services that you need in a cost effective and timely manner.

Please feel free to ask any Body Mechanix staff member any questions you may have about this new program.

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