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Industrial Rehabilitation

The Industrial Rehabilitation services that Body Mechanix Physical Therapy offers includes comprehensive ergonomic evaluations and recommendations for workstations as well as work site evaluations. On-site services not only include ergonomic evaluations, but as well can offer companies seminars and presentations for individuals or groups of employees to instruct them in lifting techniques, conditioning, stretching and exercises, or anything else that may benefit overall employee functional capabilities. On-site services can and may include work site organization and flow in order to maximize productivity and safety for individual employees to reduce the risk of injury.

Since therapy, my wrist is nearly back to what it was before. I am happy with the rate of progress.
-J.P. (Calumet)

As part of the Industrial Rehabilitation program, we offer work conditioning programs that are customized to an individuals needs and functional capacity to perform work.

> Learn about our Sports Rehabilitation